Handy Tips To Support Local Music
- By Cory Crossman

In response to slowing the spread of COVID-19, many businesses have been forced to close their doors. One of the earliest impacted sectors was the entertainment industry. With the closure of music venues, theatres, bars and pubs, live music events came to a rapid halt in an effort to 'flatten the curve'. The result has left many musicians and industry workers without an income. We all cherish the creators and the value they bring to our communities both socially and economically. Below are a couple suggestions on how you as an individual can continue to support the musicians and those who work in the music and entertainment industry.
For those who can financially contribute, here are a couple suggestions. Purchase physical or digital copies of artists music. Pick up some new merchandise or swag from the group. Pre-order an artist's next release.
The above solutions are free and easy. Best of all, they also support live music venues and music businesses! While we can't support artists in person, we are able to boost them online while self-isolating. Share a picture from a previous live show, show off your favourite records or simply post a picture of a musician you enjoy. Show your support with likes, comments and sharing posts from artist, venue an business pages. Explore new music and discover new artists you can follow. Leave a good review on Facebook or Google. These simple actions can go a long way.
Take this historic time to experience new music. Click and 'Follow' artists on streaming services to stay informed and updated with their upcoming releases and tour dates. There is sometimes exclusive content and opportunities available for fans who 'Follow' artists on streaming services. Make your own soundtrack by building a playlist and sharing with your friends. This can be a great opportunity to discover new artists and bond with friends over exciting new finds. Call your favourite radio station and request a local artist.
With many events being postponed until future dates, consider keeping those tickets even if you can't attend. Enjoy all the shows that are taking place on different social media platforms and be sure to tell your friends. You can support the artists by tuning into their live show and if you are able, give them a digital tip. Many musicians are offering online music classes or lessons. Consider tipping them for the service they are providing.
UNISON Benevolent Fund has created a $500k COVID-19 Music Industry Relief Program. An intial contribution of $250,000 from the Slaight Family Foundation was matched by UNISON. If you can, donations are being accepted here. If you are in need of support, apply here. Donate to London based artist through the London Artist Relief Fund. Donate here.
Think back to all the memories you've made around music. Music provides the soundtrack to our lives. During these extraordinary times, we are again turning to music to escape. Please consider how you can support musicians & the music sector. Let's stand together and continue to support the music sector however we can. As outlined above, not everything needs to be a financial contribution.
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